When I say 'No Growth,' people start to freak out. It’s designed that way to catch your attention so I can explain what I envision as proper growth.
When I started my medical practice in Frisco, I didn’t meet with the city council, I didn’t meet with the mayor, and I didn’t ask the city for grants or loans. I opened my practice in Frisco because I knew I would be the first retina surgeon there. This is how I expect businesses to come to McKinney.
I am against giving big corporations grants, subsidies, and forgivable loans—which are essentially grants. For example, in 2019, we gave Raytheon a $9 million loan on the condition that they hire 500 new employees. On top of that, the loan is forgivable if they don’t fire anyone until 2027. I would not have approved such a deal.
Do we all need to pay taxes to support the military-industrial complex? They already receive millions from the federal government and are already here—why give them more taxpayer money?